At Eden Horticultural Ltd we offer a professional horticultural consultancy service. Being a registered member of the Professional Garden Consultants Association, Professional Gardeners Guild, and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture, we are able to offer comprehensive advice on the management and maintenance of all sized gardens.
We work alongside various clients, from large estates with full time gardeners, to private individuals looking for guidance on their own garden, to other landscape contractors offering advice and solutions to garden situations. From setting work schedules and overseeing staff in private estates, working with them to formulate a work rota, plans and advice on new areas of garden, to giving garden assessments of existing grounds, and writing reports and documents, where the owner, or contractor can follow the guides to allow them to know they are working correctly and undertaking tasks such as pruning at the right time of year.
If your after horticultural advice or information, please feel free to contact us to discuss your options.